Cobranding for international company (Laticrete) and National based company (Daltile). Daltile dedicated to the manufacture and sale of ceramic and porcelain tile, on the other hand Laticrete manufacturer of construction solutions, specializing in the development of latex-fortified Portland cement-based mortars, adhesives and grouts for the installation of tile, glass, and natural stone materials; decide too become partners with the goal to leap sales in México.
Desarrollo de cobranding para empresa internacional (Laticrete) y nacional (Daltile), dedicadas a la venta de pisos y soluciones de construcción, deciden reunir sus fuerzas con el objetivo de incrementar sus ventas.

Coherencia y Flexibilidad son dos ideales que se distinguen en el proyecto, en donde los elementos representativos de las marcas estan presentes en todas las aplicaciones no importando si es en dos o tres dimensiones. La unidad e identidad es visible desde un saco hasta en un display.
Coherence and Flexibility are two Branding Ideals that are visible through out the entire Identity. No matter if it's for print or 3D display, the most important design element in the system is always present. A 2D square is transformed into a series of cubes to display the products.
